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Ingo Straub
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InfoRapid KnowledgeBase Builder Web Edition
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Visualization of complex information as a 3D mindmap
This 3D mind map was created using the InfoRapid KnowledgeBase Builder, exported as a 3D model in GLB format, and embedded into this webpage using the <model-viewer> library. A natural language text served as the template, from which a mind map in JSON format was generated using an AI-powered language model. This JSON file was then imported into the KnowledgeBase Builder and further refined. The display is interactive: you can rotate the mind map with the mouse, zoom in and out, and explore the structure from different perspectives.
Family Tree of the English Royal Family as a 3D Mind Map
This interactive 3D mind map visualizes the family tree of the English Royal Family, which was automatically created using data from Wikidata. The InfoRapid KnowledgeBase Builder retrieved the information via a SPARQL query and converted it into a clear 3D model.
OpenMultiverse (Multiverse)
OpenHieroglyph Pyramid Portal: Ancient Clues, Hidden Functions & Mysterious Discoveries (Hieroglyph Pyramid Portal)
Open Electrostatic Potential & Capacitance, Magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction and Waves (Class 12 Physics Short Notes)
OpenDive into the fascinating world of Quantum Mechanics with this visually engaging 3D Mind (Quantum Mechanics)
OpenEdward Snowden’s Revelations: How PRISM, XKeyscore & Tempora Reshaped Global Surveillance (Edward Snowden)
OpenBob Lazar & the Area 51 Files: UFO Secrets, Alien Technology & Government Cover-Ups (Area 51)
OpenThe Mysteries of Atlantis: Ancient Legends and Engineering Marvels (Atlantis)
OpenThe Mystery of Time: Reality, Illusion, and the Science Behind It (Illusion of Time)
OpenThe Enigma of Nibiru and the Anunnaki: Decoding Ancient Myths, Lost Civilizations, and Extraterrestrial Secrets (Nibiru and the Anunnaki)
OpenThe Enigma of the Flying Metal Spheres: Unraveling UFO Mysteries, Hidden Technologies, and Cosmic Secrets (Flying Metal Spheres)
OpenApis Bulls: The Secret History of a Divine Symbol (Apis Bulls Mystery)
OpenRevelation Unveiled: A Journey Through the Apocalypse (Book of Revelation)
OpenExploring the Book of Enoch: Celestial Journeys, Fallen Angels, and Cosmic Mysteries (The Book of Enoch)
OpenAdvanced AI Techniques for Stock Market Prediction and Trading Strategies (AI in Stock Market)
OpenSales Prediction and Forecasting Using Transformers: A Complete Guide (Sales Predictions with Transformers)
Open Microplastics – The Silent Danger in Our Daily Lives! (Microplastics)
OpenPsychological Experiments – A Journey into the Depths of the Human Psyche! (Psychological Experiments)
OpenBlockchain Simplified – Discover the Technology That's Shaping the Future! (Blockchain Explained)
OpenQuantum Programming Unveiled: A Beginner's Guide to Programming the Computers of Tomorrow (Programing a Quantum Computer)
OpenQuantum Computing Demystified: A Beginner's Guide to the Future of Technology (Quantum Computing)
OpenAll you need to know about Meta to excel in a job interview (Job interview at Meta)
OpenEncoder/Decoder Transformer models with Pretraining and Finetuning simplified! (Transformer)
OpenBoost Your Productivity: Explore the most effective productivity hacks (50 Productivity Hacks)
OpenLearning made easy – discover what really works! (50 Effective Learning Hacks)
Open40 different creativity techniques as a 3D mind map (40 Creativity Techniques)
OpenMindMap about radioactive radiation and radioactivity (Radioactive radiation - radioactivity)
OpenGrouped Mind Map with items imported from WikiData regarding Agile Software Development with Scrum (Agile software development with scrum)
Open3D Mind Map of people who influenced and who were influenced by Albert Einstein (Influencers of Albert Einstein)
Open3D Mind Map showing the Nobel Price winners in physics and their profession (Winners of the Nobel Price in physics)
Open3D Mind Map for the family tree of Queen Elizabeth II (Family tree of Queen Elizabeth II)
OpenBritish English (BE) – American English (AE) with German translation (Same meaning – different words)
Open3D MindMap about the coronavirus automatically generated from Wikipedia articles (Coronavirus)
Open3D MindMap about the European Election build from Twitter Hashtags (European Election)
Open3D MindMap about Ufos build from Twitter Hashtags (Ufos)
Open3D MindMap about Ufos automatically generated from Wikipedia articles (Ufos)
Open3D MindMap about Osiris, Horus, Set and other egypt gods generated from Wikipedia articles (Osiris, Horus, Set)
OpenAutomatically generated 3D MindMap from Twitter Tweets about the Brexit (Brexit)
OpenAutomatically generated 3D MindMap about the WikiLeaks Wikipedia article (WikiLeaks)
Open3D MindMap about Albert Einstein automatically generated from Wikipedia articles (Albert Einstein)
OpenAutomatically generated flowchart from pseudocode of the bubblesort algorithm (Bubblesort Flowchart)
OpenFlowchart of the quicksort algorithm automatically generated from pseudocode (Quicksort Flowchart)
OpenDiagram created from a WSDL by using the XML IMPORT command. (WSDL diagram)