library. A natural language text served as the template, from which a mind map in JSON format was generated using an AI-powered language model. This JSON file was then imported into the KnowledgeBase Builder and further refined. The display is interactive: you can rotate the mind map with the mouse, zoom in and out, and explore the structure from different perspectives.Open | The Illusion of Time & Instantaneous Information: Mind-Bending Theories and Hidden Truths (Causality) |
Open | The Enigma of Nibiru and the Anunnaki: Decoding Ancient Myths, Lost Civilizations, and Extraterrestrial Secrets (Nibiru and the Anunnaki) |
Open | The Enigma of the Flying Metal Spheres: Unraveling UFO Mysteries, Hidden Technologies, and Cosmic Secrets (Flying Metal Spheres) |
Open | Apis Bulls: The Secret History of a Divine Symbol (Apis Bulls Mystery) |
Open | Revelation Unveiled: A Journey Through the Apocalypse (Book of Revelation) |
Open | Exploring the Book of Enoch: Celestial Journeys, Fallen Angels, and Cosmic Mysteries (The Book of Enoch) |
Open | Advanced AI Techniques for Stock Market Prediction and Trading Strategies (AI in Stock Market) |
Open | Sales Prediction and Forecasting Using Transformers: A Complete Guide (Sales Predictions with Transformers) |
Open | Microplastics – The Silent Danger in Our Daily Lives! (Microplastics) |
Open | Psychological Experiments – A Journey into the Depths of the Human Psyche! (Psychological Experiments) |
Open | Blockchain Simplified – Discover the Technology That's Shaping the Future! (Blockchain Explained) |
Open | Quantum Programming Unveiled: A Beginner's Guide to Programming the Computers of Tomorrow (Programing a Quantum Computer) |
Open | Quantum Computing Demystified: A Beginner's Guide to the Future of Technology (Quantum Computing) |
Open | All you need to know about Meta to excel in a job interview (Job interview at Meta) |
Open | Encoder/Decoder Transformer models with Pretraining and Finetuning simplified! (Transformer) |
Open | Boost Your Productivity: Explore the most effective productivity hacks (50 Productivity Hacks) |
Open | Learning made easy – discover what really works! (50 Effective Learning Hacks) |
Open | 40 different creativity techniques as a 3D mind map (40 Creativity Techniques) |
Open | MindMap about radioactive radiation and radioactivity (Radioactive radiation - radioactivity) |
Open | Grouped Mind Map with items imported from WikiData regarding Agile Software Development with Scrum (Agile software development with scrum) |
Open | 3D Mind Map of people who influenced and who were influenced by Albert Einstein (Influencers of Albert Einstein) |
Open | 3D Mind Map showing the Nobel Price winners in physics and their profession (Winners of the Nobel Price in physics) |
Open | 3D Mind Map for the family tree of Queen Elizabeth II (Family tree of Queen Elizabeth II) |
Open | British English (BE) – American English (AE) with German translation (Same meaning – different words) |
Open | 3D MindMap about the coronavirus automatically generated from Wikipedia articles (Coronavirus) |
Open | 3D MindMap about the European Election build from Twitter Hashtags (European Election) |
Open | 3D MindMap about Ufos build from Twitter Hashtags (Ufos) |
Open | 3D MindMap about Ufos automatically generated from Wikipedia articles (Ufos) |
Open | 3D MindMap about Osiris, Horus, Set and other egypt gods generated from Wikipedia articles (Osiris, Horus, Set) |
Open | Automatically generated 3D MindMap from Twitter Tweets about the Brexit (Brexit) |
Open | Automatically generated 3D MindMap about the WikiLeaks Wikipedia article (WikiLeaks) |
Open | 3D MindMap about Albert Einstein automatically generated from Wikipedia articles (Albert Einstein) |
Open | Automatically generated flowchart from pseudocode of the bubblesort algorithm (Bubblesort Flowchart) |
Open | Flowchart of the quicksort algorithm automatically generated from pseudocode (Quicksort Flowchart) |
Open | Diagram created from a WSDL by using the XML IMPORT command. (WSDL diagram) |